Example Brotherhood Of Steel Ranks most complete. Members of the brotherhood are divided into distinct castes, each with a function of their own. The precise definition of the rank appears to vary between the regional chapters.
Divisions - Brotherhood Of Steel from brotherhoodofsteelclanh5.weebly.com Beware that the area you need to traverse is filled with level 50 scorchbeasts and you will need to defeat a scorchbeast to complete the quest so make sure you are high enough of a level (i.e. Like are paladins co's if so then is a knight captain also akin to a commissioned officer? Body has bos and rank insignia for each rank.
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So im doing quests from haylen and knight but they just keep going and going, nvr giving me a higher rank. Im trying to rank up in the brotherhood of steel, i did al the quests from paladin danse but now he will not give me anymore. The brotherhood of steel is one of the most powerful factions in the fallout series. Maybe this is only a brief alliance, until you reload your save, or perhaps you wish to see them rule over the commonwealth for all time.
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